TreeLink Stirling has been given permission by NatureScot to work to remove Himalayan Balsam from Balquhidderock Wood (Bluebellwood). Himalayan Balsam is an invasive non-native plant species which shades out and crowds out many native plants. Over the coming months our volunteers will be pulling the balsam plants out of the ground before they are able to shed seed.
Find out more here.
TreeLink Stirling has worked Stirling Council Greenspace Rangers to support the management of the area of woodland in Abbey Craig near the Wallace Monument and is in discussion about the continued partnership to support the council and help it meet it's targets in relation to the climate and nature emergencies.
TreeLink has also worked with the Council in the woodland between Riverside and Forthside to remove invasive species such as Himalayan balsam. Events such as coppicing, tree planting and tree seed collection and preparation for planting have also been held.
Balsam Pulling - Balquiderock Woods
TreeLink Volunteers had fun and were very effective in starting the removal of the Himalayan Balsam, an invasive non-native species in Balquiderrock Woods in Bannockburn. Clearing this plant allows other species a chance to grow and thrive, creating a more diverse and interesting woodland.