Crown of Trees
TreeLink Stirling is a community-based charity which grows, plants and cares for trees and woodlands in the Stirling Council area.
TreeLink Stirling’s ‘Crown of Trees’ project sets an ambition to create a 36km ring of trees around the city of Stirling and connect four ‘jewel’ woodlands within the crown (Abbey Craig Wood, Balquhidderock Wood, Gillies Hill Wood, Craigforth Wood).
The Crown of Trees will provide a contiguous wooded walking trail around the city which is easily accessible to local neighbourhood communities and visitors to the historic city.
The Crown of Trees project is the primary focus for TreeLink’s tree planting and woodland management work.
Tree Link were beneficiaries of the initial round of Seed Grants at the beginning of this year.
Watch now! This funding comes from Scottish Government's Climate Action Hubs initiative.
The Route

TreeLink's vision is for the Crown of Trees to become a significant destination for local people and visitors to Stirling alike, as well as a tangible focus for climate change action.
TreeLink is in discussion with land managers where tree planting or woodland management activities will be an important contribution to the Crown of Trees along side working in partnership with Stirling Council , Forth Climate Forest and other interested organisations which can help further TreeLink's goals.
Councillor Jen Preston, Convener of the Stirling Council Environment, Transport and Net Zero Committee added “I was delighted to meet the passionate and committed volunteers who make up Treelink Stirling. Trees make communities better places to live as well as being a crucial part of Stirling’s response to the climate emergency, and I look forward to learning more about these exciting plans.”
Most of the route is served by existing footpaths and is well wooded. We are keen to work with landowners and local communities to fill the gaps and manage the woods. We are delighted to get the opportunity to present our ideas and speak to groups and organisations that would like further information or want to get involved. Please get in touch.


Carseland Nature Park
Kildrean, River Forth
Last summer, TreeLink secured funding from the Neighbourhood Ecosystem Fund to develop costed proposals for a Carseland Nature Park on council owned land at Kildean. This 30-hectare site is adjacent to the River Forth, on our Crown of Trees route and has some valuable flora and fauna.
TreeLink has commissioned Stirling-based landscape architects, RaeburnFarquarBowen (RFB) to prepare proposals that will enhance the biodiversity of the site, whilst accommodating walkers and other visitors.
A National Vegetation Classification and a Landscape Appraisal of the site have been completed and this will allow RFB to prepare a Vision for the site for local people and others to comment upon in the coming months. We plan to hold a small tree planting event at the site in February and to use this as a means to hear people’s thoughts on the Vision.
The Concept Design for the Nature park should be completed by next summer.

Tree Care
Bridgehaugh, Rugby Club
September and October '24
The trees planted at the rugby club are growing well, but require some after care.
The wee trees are surrounded by long grass & weeds including stinging nettles and in certain areas thistles and we need to remove the weeds from the tree guards and mark where the trees have not survived.​
There are many dates over the next few weeks - come along and let’s keep caring for our saplings so they can grow into full sized trees.

Balsam Pulling
Balquidderock Forest
May and June 2024
Over ten session in Balquidderock Woods a herculean effort was undertaken by TreeLink Volunteers to start clearing the invasive non-native Himalayan Balsam.
"It gives you a sense of achievement at the end of the day"
says volunteer Rhod

Balsam Pulling
Balquhidderock, Bluebell Woods Bannockburn
May 2024
Work started today at Balquhidderock Wood and great progress was made.
The Balsam is quaking in its roots! But it's a massive task. We need your help on future dates.

Balsam Pulling
Balquhidderock, Bluebell Woods Bannockburn
May and June 2024
Himalayan Balsam is an invasive non-native plant species which shades out and crowds out many native plants.
TreeLink Stirling has been given permission by NatureScot to work to remove Himalayan Balsam from Balquhidderock Wood (Bluebellwood).
Over the coming months our volunteers will be pulling the balsam plants out of the ground before they are able to shed seed.
Tuesday 21st May, 10am – 1pm
Saturday 25th May, 10am – 1pm
Tuesday 4th June, 10am – 1pm
Tuesday 11th June, 10am – 1pm
Saturday 6th July, 10am – 1pm
Tuesday 9th July, 10am – 1pm
This woodland is very special, and we want to keep it that way. If you’d like to help, we will be working here on:

Walking The Route
Guided Walks
May and June 2024
Enjoy a series of guided walks around the different sections of our Crown of Trees. The walks will be led by TreeLink Trustee Max.
We aim to share a bit about each area, our plans for the path and hope to hear your thoughts and ideas on our flagship project.
Thurs 23rd May - Muirton to Whins of Milton - 5.8km
Tues 28th May - Whims of Milton to Cambusbarron 5.0km
Thurs 30th May - Cambusbarron to Raploch - 5.3kn
Tues 4th June - Raploch to Old Stirling Brig - 7.2km
Wed 12th June - Old Stirling Brig to Riverside - 5.1km
Tues 18th June - Riverside to Muirton - 6.5km
The paths are in in variable conditions so please ensure you have suitable footwear. Bring refreshments and dress for the weather.
We look forward to seeing you.

Stirling Rugby Club, Bridgehaugh
April and May 2024
Many volunteers have turned out over a series of dates to care for the trees recently planted trees at Stirling Rugby Club, Bridgehaugh. trees give them the best chance to thrive.
Mulching is adding a layer of material, in this case bark, to the surface of soil. We apply mulch to conserve soil moisture, improving fertility and health of the soil, reducing weed growth, and enhancing the visual appeal of the area.
You can join in too and give the 3000 trees planted the best chance to thrive.

Tree Planting
Stirling Rugby Club, Bridgehaugh
23rd March 2024
TreeLink held a community tree planting event to expand on the previously planted trees at the Rugby Club.
On the 23rd March 2024 approximately 340 Woodland Trust ‘free trees’ and about 350 trees from the TreeLink Nursery were planted - a mix Elder, rowan, oak, blackthorn, hawthorn, willow, birch, dog rose, a couple holly, a couple horse chestnut and probably more varieties!
Thank you to everyone who volunteered, it was a great session with 26 volunteers in total including volunteers from the rugby club.

Tree Planting
Stirling Rugby Club, Bridgehaugh
27th February 2024
Over two sessions 37 trees have been planted or given some tlc at the entrance to the Rugby Club. A lovely mix of rowan, field maple, hawthorn and crap apple are a great addition to the space.

Tree Planting
Stirling Rugby Club, Bridgehaugh
February 2024
TreeLink was delighted that funding from the Stirling Council's Nature Restoration Fund (SCNRF) allowed the Forth Rivers Trust to contribute to the project at Bridgehaugh. In February '24 Stirling Council planted 1500 trees along the river bordering Stirling Rugby Club on behalf of the Forth Rivers Trust.

Breaking Ground
Stirling Rugby Club, Bridgehaugh
27th January 2024
TreeLink was delighted to 'break the ground' and start planting along the Crown of Trees with an event in partnership with the Stirling Rugby Club and TCV. A mixture of native trees were planted between the allotments the rugby fields.
Over 31volunteers, including a further seven children were rewarded with wonderful weather as they planted approx. 600-700 trees creating a 175m hedge. A fantastic event all round!

TreeLink was delighted to be awarded funding from Forth Environment Link's Climate Hub.
This has allowed us to buy a projector to ensure that we can present and promote the Crown of Trees professionally and effectively when attending meetings, create a brand for the crown of trees, including a wonderful new logo and a feather flag for promoting our activities on site during events.